Our business, personal and social communication capacity has undergone a major change due to the geometric progression provided by social networks in 2021 and now at the beginning of 2022/2023.
Faced with this fact, it is necessary to adapt to integrate these new options and modes of communication, whatever your objective. I have been a civil engineering professional since 1982, and communications were the well-known traditional ones.
Social media, social networks, internet accessible to a large part of the population did not exist at the time. Classes were theoretical, face-to-face, with publication of handouts and printed books. After 40 (forty) years, in 2022 much of this reality is very different.
We have the internet as a connection mechanism between millions of people, using computers, smartphones, tablets and social networks. The digital world is literally reigning in 2022. Classes can be transmitted via computer network, non-face-to-face distance learning, audio and images in real time across planet Earth.
Faced with these enormous transformations, the need to change ways of working and communicating must be rethought. Currently, our projects are launched through social networks, the internet – digital models, architectural plans, presentations in virtual reality, etc.
Our current challenge is to renew ourselves, to reinvent ourselves in our current scenario. Thus, our mass COMMUNICATION must go through new means and paths. One of them that we are experimenting and studying are mass communications, through AM/FM radios and the current Web Radios.
Operating costs, digitization of audio and video recording studio equipment, digitization of radio operating tables, microphones show the transformation in progress.
At SENAC we are recycling ourselves and relearning how to better communicate with our target audience. We created a web radio for our metropolitan region of Ribeirão Preto. Name – MEGA MOGIANA RÁDIO.
There are more than 1.7 million people who live in the RMRP – Ribeirão Preto, and this is our first objective to be achieved. As Web Radio can reach other states in Brazil and other countries, we hope to create new connections that we could never think of or imagine.
Thus, we invite friends on social networks to support us by accessing our web radio, MEGA MOGIANA RÁDIO at the following address:
Thanks for listening.
Engineer José Antonio S. Gonçalves
MEGA MOGIANA RADIO – Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo State, BRAZIL.
#digital #redessociais #megamogiana #engenhariacivil #webradio